photo by Uncle Monkey
Climbing trip of Mt.Bei-Da-Wu on 12/27,12/28
Some brief information about BEI-DA-WU Mountain
Taiwan is famous for its beautiful mountains. There are over 200 mountains that are over 3,000 meters. You can find 100 of these mountains on a map and are called ‘Taiwan Bai Yue’, which are the most famous mountains in Taiwan.
Taiwan has a rich natural environment that varies with its very low and high altitudes.
Bei-Da-Wu Mountain is one of these mountains over 3,000 meters. It is located in the most southern part of Taiwan with an elevation of 3,090 meters, which is the 92nd tallest of the Bai-Yue Mountains.
北大武山全台最南端的一座超過三千公尺的山,高度為 3090公尺,百岳排行 92
Finally, I came back to mountain climbing after 3 years. The last time I come here, I was made fun of for coming without enough climbing equipment, an unsuitable backpack, a cheap raincoat from a convenience store, et cetera… And the worst thing was that when we arrived to the entrance of Bai-Da-Wu, it began to rain a little. Then another tragedy came at midnight when we prepared to hit the top. It started raining heavily. Thus, after waiting 12 hours, we ended this trip, and we were be threatened to fill our stomachs of all foods we took uphill before we could go down. This trip was such a failure! I felt like I wasted so much time! I want my 2 days back!
暌違三年,我終於又踏上高山之旅,上次來北大武山時不但被友人嫌棄裝備不足…背包的規格不對 、使用不合格的輕便型雨衣、沒有登山杖之外…更慘的是,當時一到達登山口,就下起了毛毛雨,到了要出發登頂之時,更是下起了大雨,於是這趟旅程就在大夥兒連續睡飽超過12個鐘頭,外加存糧吃到飽、吃到見底才能下山的威脅之下,結束了這場糜爛的北大武之旅。
This time was more meaningful to me.
1st this is my first time to return to this mountain climbing club in 2-3 years.
2nd while I continuously bother my friend, Uncle Monkey (a nickname, he is not old enough to be my uncle), to join all the high mountain climbing trips they have, he usually rejects me with concerns of safety, like my lack of equipment and fitness, so I could not go with them before. By the thanks of God, this time I could go with them, and we had two clear days, so my trip of was a success as I got to wipe away the disgrace of their insults (I hated them always thinking I was weak!).
這次的北大武行對我來說分外的有意義,第一,這是我在結束了蠟燭兩頭燒的半工半讀生涯後的重返江湖之行…美麗的大山~我來啦! 我來啦! 我來啦!(迴音),第二,從一開始認識熱愛大自然的猴子大叔友人時,便吵著要跟遍他們所有的高山之旅,但一直由於設備不足,以及他們的安全顧慮–不知我的體能堪於負荷與否,所以一直未能成行。不過總算老天有眼,在2008年12月27,28日賞了我們兩個晴天,讓我的雪恥之行能圓滿達成!
話說雪恥之行的第一天,12/26晚上 11:30從台北出發,四個小時就到了高雄,一大夥人將Berger King 當成休息站,睡成一遍,我就是在此時被偷拍的。
12/27 約8AM
photo by Sandy.Luo
Bei-Da-Wu Mountain is one of these mountains over 3,000 meters. It is located in the most southern part of Taiwan with an elevation of 3,090 meters, which is the 92nd tallest of the Bai-Yue Mountains.
北大武山全台最南端的一座超過三千公尺的山,高度為 3090公尺,百岳排行 92
Finally, I came back to mountain climbing after 3 years. The last time I come here, I was made fun of for coming without enough climbing equipment, an unsuitable backpack, a cheap raincoat from a convenience store, et cetera… And the worst thing was that when we arrived to the entrance of Bai-Da-Wu, it began to rain a little. Then another tragedy came at midnight when we prepared to hit the top. It started raining heavily. Thus, after waiting 12 hours, we ended this trip, and we were be threatened to fill our stomachs of all foods we took uphill before we could go down. This trip was such a failure! I felt like I wasted so much time! I want my 2 days back!
暌違三年,我終於又踏上高山之旅,上次來北大武山時不但被友人嫌棄裝備不足…背包的規格不對 、使用不合格的輕便型雨衣、沒有登山杖之外…更慘的是,當時一到達登山口,就下起了毛毛雨,到了要出發登頂之時,更是下起了大雨,於是這趟旅程就在大夥兒連續睡飽超過12個鐘頭,外加存糧吃到飽、吃到見底才能下山的威脅之下,結束了這場糜爛的北大武之旅。
This time was more meaningful to me.
1st this is my first time to return to this mountain climbing club in 2-3 years.
2nd while I continuously bother my friend, Uncle Monkey (a nickname, he is not old enough to be my uncle), to join all the high mountain climbing trips they have, he usually rejects me with concerns of safety, like my lack of equipment and fitness, so I could not go with them before. By the thanks of God, this time I could go with them, and we had two clear days, so my trip of was a success as I got to wipe away the disgrace of their insults (I hated them always thinking I was weak!).
這次的北大武行對我來說分外的有意義,第一,這是我在結束了蠟燭兩頭燒的半工半讀生涯後的重返江湖之行…美麗的大山~我來啦! 我來啦! 我來啦!(迴音),第二,從一開始認識熱愛大自然的猴子大叔友人時,便吵著要跟遍他們所有的高山之旅,但一直由於設備不足,以及他們的安全顧慮–不知我的體能堪於負荷與否,所以一直未能成行。不過總算老天有眼,在2008年12月27,28日賞了我們兩個晴天,讓我的雪恥之行能圓滿達成!
photo by Uncle Monkey
The first day of the trip, we traveled from Taipei to Kaoshiung for 4 hours from 11:30pm on the 26th of September. A large group of people stayed at Burger King and treated it as a rest station. People slept all over there. The above picture was taken at that time. I felt anxious that I had not exercised for a long time. And I had not slept well for 3 days. I was afraid of losing my endurance in a short time and causing trouble for other people. I hope I will be in a better condition next time.
話說雪恥之行的第一天,12/26晚上 11:30從台北出發,四個小時就到了高雄,一大夥人將Berger King 當成休息站,睡成一遍,我就是在此時被偷拍的。
12/27 約8AM
photo by Sandy.Luo
12/27, about 8AM: when we arrived at the entrance of Bei-Da-Wu, we found out the Kwai-Gu lodge was full (It takes about 4 hours from the entrance to the lodge,) therefore everyone was pitching a tent. We started our first meal, soup and apples. At this time, I brought the skills of an intelligent and virtuous woman by slicing apples and vegetables. (Ha-ha, I’m haven’t shown my best abilities yet, so you can save your praise.)
We slept from 5:00PM on 12/27 to 1:00AM on 12/28, then we went to the top. We took 5 hours to pass through the boring, cold and hypnotic forest, and we could not arrive to the crest line till daylight. Actually, I had a strong want of sleep, and had an illusion of Somnambulate, an explorer in a painting of Salvador Dali. He keeps walking and walking, running out all foods and water. He did not arrive to his destination, but his willpower told himself to keep going and transcend the pain from body. Unfortunately, he fell down because of exhaustion. However, at the moment, his soul was separated from his body, and he kept walking.
在12/27 5:00pm 睡到 12/28 1:00am,開始從登山口出發登頂,在夜行了又臭又長又愛睏又冷颼颼的5個鐘頭後,終於天亮但仍未到稜線;其實在行走的時候,因為我超想睡覺,所以一直有一種夢遊的錯覺,腦袋中一直盤旋著一個探險家在達利的畫裡,他一直走一直走,所有的食物和水都用完了!但是他仍然沒有到達目的地,所以他只剩下意志告訴自己要走下去,超脫身體上的磨難;但很不幸的還沒到達目的地,他終於因為體力消耗殆盡而倒下,倒下的那一刻,他的靈魂出竅,繼續行走。
在12/27 5:00pm 睡到 12/28 1:00am,開始從登山口出發登頂,在夜行了又臭又長又愛睏又冷颼颼的5個鐘頭後,終於天亮但仍未到稜線;其實在行走的時候,因為我超想睡覺,所以一直有一種夢遊的錯覺,腦袋中一直盤旋著一個探險家在達利的畫裡,他一直走一直走,所有的食物和水都用完了!但是他仍然沒有到達目的地,所以他只剩下意志告訴自己要走下去,超脫身體上的磨難;但很不幸的還沒到達目的地,他終於因為體力消耗殆盡而倒下,倒下的那一刻,他的靈魂出竅,繼續行走。
photo by Uncle Monkey
12/28, about 6:00AM:
When the sun was rising, my soul came back to my body, instead of being like a ghost who got lost in the forest. How long until we will arrive to the crest line? I just kept walking rather than asking, I knew we would arrive sometime. There is an important belief in hiking that is: don’t ask and don’t believe what people say about how long it will be, just relax and enjoy!
12/28 約6:00AM 終於天亮,我的靈魂終於回到了身體,而不是個在山林中闖不出來的鬼魂… 我們還要走多久,才會到達稜線呢? 我沒有問,反正走下去,一定會有到的時候。登山健行時一定要有一個重要的信念,那就是,不要問、也不要相信別人告訴你的「還要走多久」,放寬心去體驗就是了!
12/28, about 8:00AM:
Here is Crest Line! People said that the sea of cloud in Bei-Da-Wu is the most beautiful of the Bai-Uei. It looks like the solid cotton of the Doraemon world that makes me imagine jumping and rolling on a cloud.
photo by Uncle Monkey
12/28 約8:00AM 終於脫離鬼地方,到達稜線啦!據說北大武的雲海是百岳之中最壯觀的,看起來像是多拉A夢世界中的立體棉花雲,真的有一股在雲端上翻滾彈跳的想望。
At the Crest Line
Why am I not as photogenic as a beautiful model? God knows it! I just know life is tough and short, so I try to entertain myself and other people, to treasure the happy times.
為什麼我老是不能像個美女般的拍照?只有天知道! 但我只知道人生苦短,要自娛愉人,把握歡樂的時光。
The falling clouds
Hiking is amazing, climbing hard just to see this nice scenery. However, the bad thing is that you have a very short time to appreciate it. Just as anything in this world that pleasantly surprises you but passes quickly, it feels more memorable.
photo by Uncle Monkey
photo by Max
TOP 3090
走了近十個小時,才到達這個做夢夢到的三角點,我暗自告訴自己,這樣往返15個小時18km 的操死人行程,不要再有下次了!
To have a commanding view from vantage ground, I have a strong feeling about mysterious nature and negligible myshef.
My friend Uncle Monkey looked very serious, and stood behind the sign designating the peak of Bei-Da-Wu. And then, he repeatedly pressed everyone to stay only 5 minutes… everything was just for safety.
To return in Victory
Thanks for everyone’s encouragement and praises.
But I don’t think I’m as excellent as what people have said (Maybe they just wanted me to feel comfortable.) Because this is my second time being there, everything was just for my reputation. Also I wanted to stop Uncle Monkey from treating me as a weak woman. Anyway, I finally got permission from U.M., otherwise, he would never let me follow them.
The end
Thanks to all my companions, I wish you a health and happiness.
And thinks to Shaun who helped me to check this article again.